Breathing Grace {Day 27}


Grace. I hear her invitation to come by the stream. When I feel off track, I come to dip my toe in. Enough grace to get me by.

She whispers that she is in the waterfall. Seeing how much more I need of her cleansing, I let grace fall all over me.

I’ll come I say, whenever I need your saving grace. And go back to dishes and budgets and bedtime stories.

But she keeps whispering and says:

I’m more than the stream. And the waterfall.

I am the vast ocean. The air you breathe.

She slowly teaches (or I slowly understand) that grace is not just there when I need it. Not just when I call out for it. She’s not a commodity.

Grace is always there. Before. During. After. Always.

Fueling my life. Each breath in, a seeping of grace into my depths.

I’ll never tire of her lullaby. Sweet grace. Surrounding me.

Breathing in what I cannot comprehend.


563627_10202314131594229_1745417938_aI’m participating with The Nester in 31 Days of Noticing the Moment. This is Day 27. And yes October is now over, but I’ll finish out!

You can find all 31 Dayers here. There are so many wonderful topics.

If you miss any days in the series, you can find introductory and each days post here.

Also linking up today with Five Minute Friday.

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  1. I love how you express that we think dipping our toe in will be sufficient, but God pours out His grace and it cascades over us and it is more than we ever could have imagined. Beautiful.
    Visiting from FMF.

  2. elle @ being stepmom says

    I love the way you write! This is a beautiful picture of Grace. Lovely. Thank you!

  3. Mary Gemmill says

    Melanie- these words were inspired indeed- breath- takingly beautiful, evocative, challenging, deep calling unto deep ……..THANK YOU.

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