I push the overflowing grocery cart out the automatic doors. My vice, a red carton of caffeine hidden on the bottom. I pause as I admired the deep blue sky. I feel like I could fall into it. Fluffy clouds resting on treetops. The rolling hills of Western PA in all their glory. My car had told me the temperature was 68 degrees. Perfect in my book. The whole earth seems to be smiling. I breathe it in.
The moment was in reality a split second. But the pause in my soul was longer, larger. Enough room for a thought to come. I like my life. It lingered with me as I pushed the cart to my car. It was one of those thoughts that originates outside of you. One that seems so simple and so profound in the emotions it surfaces.
In slow motion I put the groceries in the van. With care hanging them on hooks I’m not sure I’ve ever used before. With each bag, gratitude wells up. It almost feels cliché to write it. But couldn’t have felt more true, gratitude for the food that fills the bags. Thankfulness for the hands that made it. I spy snacks peeking out. Snacks for a first grade lunch. The glimpse opens the floodgates. An awareness of the long, hard-fought journey to become parents. And now I have the privilege of packing lunches.
I drive home. Windows down. Music on. Winding roads. I settle into the thought, I like my life. The truth of it is deep calling deep. For it is not circumstances that cause the thought to come. Nor life going smoothly. Nor the stars aligning. For I have had hundreds of days like this one. Days that I grumble about the same routine. Days that I wish my life were someone else’s. Days of sameness that don’t evoke this response. No, today it is the engulfing awareness that I am loved. I am loved.
There is a Creator. He makes skies that define the color blue. He calls the land to change its contour. He gives gifts that weren’t on my grocery list. And he made me.
He made the curly hair I can’t control. And the light green eyes that squint when the sun meets them.
He made me. He loves me. Even more than the beauty of my landscape.
For today this is enough. More than enough. I cling onto split second encounter. Tucking it away. Writing it down. Remembering it for the times when grayness threatens. I like my life.
Linking with Tell His Story
I love that word “engulfing”. The base word “engulf” speaks volumes of what God does to me with not only His love, but His grace, wisdom, protection and provision. Today I am engulfed with/in God.
Powerful message! The beauty of simple taks is often what takes me to the same place.
Thanks, Melanie!
Yes, it is moment’s like this, where clarity of our blessings rush in and sweep into our hearts and fill them up that help us get through the times when grayness settles over our moments. Hold tight to this blue filled clarity and thankfulness. You are loved. Such a beautiful reminder of our blessings even in the every day. Thank you for sharing on Tell His Story.
What a sweet, encouraging post! I like my life, too
And it’s good to remember for “when the grayness threatens,” because it will. But there’s always something for which we can be thankful. And there’s always this truth, that God loves us and has a purpose. Thank you for writing your heart, Melanie!