On a fall November day in 1997 she took a walk around Colby Lake. Fully anticipating God speaking, giving her something to go and obey. Armed with an assignment from her Experiencing God bible study, she was ready.
But as she walked, He had something else, something more in mind. Geese flew overhead. She slowed her pace, letting in the amazement that they are created to fly south. They know the cold Minnesota winter is coming. The creation around her prompted a chain of thoughts. And the thoughts led to worship of the one who created it all.
And then came His whisper:
“I love you. I love you just like I did when you were nine years old. You do not have to prove your worth to me.”
Tears flooded. She remembered the nine-year old girl, praying with her mom. Saying yes to a life of following Jesus. The surprise at the peace and joy that settled in her soul.
Tears flooded. Because until that moment she hadn’t realized how hard she was trying to earn grace. How restrictive she had relegated the freedom of the gospel.
Tears flooded and she stuck out her hand. She grasped His, invisible to the world around her. I’m sure they were a sight to see. A thirty year old woman smiling and crying and holding an invisible hand.
They kept walking around the lake. She poured out those years that she walked in a distant from Him. Yes, even those He said. I love you.
But these last couple of years, she wondered. “I’ve been doing so much for you. Every bible study. Every church event. Never missing a quiet time. Surely you love me more, like this?”
“I love you. Always.”
Could it be true? She spent the next years learning, still learning, the depths of its truth.
“I run in the paths of your commands for you have set my heart free.”
Psalm 119:32
Over 15 years ago. But as I recount that story today, I am there in an instant. I can see the sky and hear the sounds. My body can remember what it felt like to know forgiveness deep in its bones. To taste love’s extravagant banquet.
As I’ve been mulling over obedience in preparing for this series, my thoughts centered on obedience having two main components.
1. Knowing what God has said.
2. Acting on it.
Yet my heart keeps pulling me back. A voice that says there’s more. There has to be a starting place. A square one. Who is this One we are called to obey? What is His character?
This morning the memory of walking around Colby Lake came to mind. Right smack dab in the middle of praying about things unrelated. The voice of love called me back. Back to Him. Back to the vine.
He reminded me, obedience is not:
- Performance
- Doing more, trying harder
- Earning a badge for good behavior.
- A result of guilt nor fear
Obedience is all about relationship. Obedience is from love.
He is our starting point. Obedience flows out of our relationship with Him. Obedience doesn’t occur in a vacuum, separated from communion.
He is the vine. When my obedience is isolated from the vine, it shrivels up. It becomes bitter. Hardened. A score to keep.
But when I’m attached to the life-giving vine, obedience flows from love. Not some store-bought or religiously manufactured love. Love that is substantive and often messy. Love that is alive. Love that is strong, safe and protective. Love that calls out all that is good and beautiful. Love that walks tenderly around a lake.
It is the Love that created the world, sacrificed on the cross and conquered death. It’s not a love that wants a checked off list, it wants your heart. And will give you his.
It is there that Love sets my heart free. It loosens the restrictions and bondage of language. It beckons come run in the path of these commands.
That Love. That crazy, wild, bursting out of the box Love, it is to that Love I give my obedience.
I’m anticipating having conversation with you all on Crazy Obedience for the month of February! When my friend Amanda, The Cadence of a Conquering Housewife, shared the topic that was stirring in her heart, I was excited. Once I started writing, the enthusiasm has grown even more. Once I read the ponderings of those who joined the facebook group, I knew she was on to something important and, well, crazy. Can’t wait to journey with four other bloggers!
If you missed the intro post, please read it here.
If you would like to participate in the facebook group, go here.
Please click on the box below to link to the other four writers who are writing on Crazy Obedience this month. You will encouraged and challenged and loved.
Lastly, if you would like to receive in your inbox, please enter you email in the Subscribe box in the upper right. You will receive an email to confirm.

Linking with my favorite Monday link-ups: Playdates with God and Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday
As well as Jennifer Dukes Lee’s new link up Tell His Story.
Oh sweet friend
You hit the nail right on the head. This kind of obedience is alive, living, loving, dancing, and singing a song of love to our Beloved. It comes as natural as breathing for it is His life in and through us. We had the same idea today with our posts.
Much love
Beautiful Melanie. I am amazed, but how many us of viewed obedience in a different light; as a way to earn God’s love or favor. Glad that we now understand the true meaning of obedience. Blessed by your post.
This is the Father’s love I relate to. Nothing to be worked up. His love for us is easy acceptance. The love that made us is the beautiful love bringing adornment. There is no work. It is finished. The joy of discovering that walking with Jesus just requires that our hearts beat as one. He is the heartbeat of life and all that we are. So just to be.
Melanie, I so appreciate this post! For so many years, I have tried to earn God’s love. I know with my brain that I cannot do that – He loves me just as I am – yet there is something in me that keeps trying. Posts such as yours remind me to bask in His love and build relationship. The closer I am to Him, the more obedient I will be.
Came over from Michelle’s blog – so glad I did. What a wonderful story. I have also walked with the Lord since I was a young girl – and I also went through some *wandering* years. I have also known the soul-cleansing gift of His forgiveness. Yes, my desire to follow Him comes out of deep gratitude and love. Obedience is a natural outflow when you finally, deep-down, know what His unconditional love truly feels like.
Thanks for the message today.
Yes, Melanie! This sweet memory made my heart melt. He is the gentlest of friends, isn’t He? Beautiful thoughts, my friend.
“Obedience is from love.” That pretty much says it all. When we love God, obedience comes so easily. Makes me want to keep my love for Him fresh!
How I relate to your words. I’ve gone through periods of trying to do everything right and crashing and burning from working so hard, to trying to just be present in every moment and enjoy the true freedom you described here. Every once in a while I catch myself “trying” again, but He’s always there to gently remind me, it’s through grace He’s set me free, I don’t have to earn a thing.